Bromley Acupuncture
If you’re based in Bromley, an acupuncture treatment from David Canevaro Osteopathy and Pilates can help to treat a variety of painful conditions. Our team offers a warm welcome and a highly experienced team to help you with your treatment journey
Acupuncture is an ancient form of therapy developed from China in which needles are inserted at key points in the body to produce. They are designed to stimulate nerves which can then cause the release of chemicals into muscles and the spine.
It can be used to treat pain and a number of other conditions such as:
- Muscle pain
- Joint pain
- Nausea
- Headaches
- Migraines
The extremely fine needles prompt the release of endorphins, the body’s own natural pain killer. In doing so it can alleviate chronic pain and contribute to improve health and wellbeing.
Bromley acupuncture services
David Canevaro Osteopathy and Pilates has clinics around London. We provide a friendly and welcoming service together with skilled therapists who can help you develop a high quality personalized care plan centered around your needs.
As with all businesses, we have made adjustments to ensure a fully safe environment. We follow the latest government guidelines and maintain the strictest standards of hygiene. We ask that anyone who has symptoms of COVID-19 to avoid coming to our clinic in the interests of staff, customers and themselves.
Find your treatment
In addition to acupuncture we also offer sports massage, Pilates classes and osteopathy. To find out more about how we can help you with your own treatment path, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team.