Hip/Buttocks/Leg Pain

There are many common reasons people may experience pain in the hips, buttocks or legs. The causes are vast and usually not a cause for concern however it is important to address the causes of these pains by visiting your GP and obtaining a proper diagnosis. Getting in touch with an osteopath at the London Osteopathy clinic is a step in the right direction to manage acute or chronic pain of the hips, buttocks or legs.
Depending on the cause of your pain and if your pain is localised to the area or radiating to other parts of the body, your osteopath will be able to offer you an appropriate course of treatment tailor-made for your lifestyle and goals. If the cause of your pain is nerve or neurologically related, your osteopath is well placed to manage and ease the symptoms associated with this. As mentioned on the NHS website, a course of acupuncture is often used to treat musculoskeletal conditions.
Acupuncture targets the site of pain or related parts of the body. It improves circulation by bringing blood and lymph to the treated areas. It is believed acupuncture may also be able to stimulate the nervous system, in turn releasing chemicals during a session which stimulates the body’s natural healing processes, speeding up the recovery of injuries.
In addition to the acupuncture service, your osteopath can offer a range of osteopathy sessions in the form of sports massage, stretches and strengthening exercises to restore any muscle or soft tissue imbalances that could be contributing to the symptoms.
Keeping active and mobile is vital to prevent worsening pain and eventual stiffness through avoidance of movement. An osteopath can provide useful advice concerning exercises, weight management, postural and lifestyle choices that could positively impact your pain levels and reduce the chances of any future flare-ups of pain. However, exercise must become a regular part of your lifestyle. The three London based osteopathy clinics are able to offer potential clients Pilates sessions to those who are interested or for those who may benefit from Pilates. Complete beginners up to expert level are welcome, the classes are a great way to start your fitness journey or to take your fitness to the next level.
Clinics are easily accessible to patients with bases in Holborn, central London and Beckenham. Each clinic has a wide range of facilities and equipment to offer you the variety of treatments necessary to have a positive impact on your symptoms, leading to a healthier, pain-free life.
Osteopathy for Arthritis
The goal of osteopathy treatment in relation to arthritis is to reduce any imbalances that may be contributing to the condition. Following a thorough assessment at one of the three London Osteopathy clinics, your treatment will be tailor-made to your individual requirements. This may include a variety of gentle movements, stretching, massage and manipulation of the affected joints.
These techniques aim to relieve muscle tension and pain whilst working to improve joint flexibility. Work may be done on surrounding joints to take the stress and strain off the affected area, ensuring that loading of the joints through activities such as walking is as equal as possible.
The increased blood and lymph supply to the treated area can optimise healing to the joint and surrounding tissues, following several session you may notice a reduction in pain and an overall improvement of function in your everyday activities. With the reduction in symptoms, many patients can increase general fitness through activity and lifestyle changes which can further improve health and therefore breaking the cycle of inactivity and pain avoidance.
Your osteopath will be able to provide home exercises and positive, friendly advice in regards to posture, balance and nutrition to enable you to self manage your condition confidently and effectively.

020 7127 8771
079 0415 3486