Shoulder Pain

The shoulder is a very complex joint that moves through multiple planes of movement. This increased mobility is beneficial to complete daily activities efficiently (such as reaching to a top shelf or reaching behind your back) however the ‘looseness’ of the joint leaves it prone to injuries due to a decreased stability compared to other joints.
You must try to continue to stay active despite the shoulder pain you are experiencing, using your shoulder in your normal everyday activities may help to prevent further issues from developing. Whilst pharmaceuticals can help to ease the pain it is important to identify and deal with the underlying causes of shoulder pain, this is something that your osteopath at the London Osteopath clinic can assist you with. Your treatment will depend on the underlying cause but in general, treatment will aim to reduce inflammation, manage pain levels, increase flexibility and even-out any imbalances in the body that could be contributing to your symptoms. Great care will be taken to minimise the risk of the condition reoccurring following a course of treatment.
Shoulder problems are often complex and can take a long time to resolve. Your osteopath will work closely with you, taking an holistic approach to treatment, to ensure the process is as quick as possible. Your individual treatment plan may consist of massage (to relax and relieve tensions), rhythmical articulation of joints (to promote flexibility), stretching techniques and specific strengthening exercises (to address underlying issues of your shoulder pain and even out any imbalances). You may also find that acupuncture provides symptomatic relief, further details concerning acupuncture can be found below:
London Osteopathy has three easily accessible clinics, based in Holborn, Beckenham, and central London. All three sites can offer acupuncture treatments which according to the NHS website can lead to a reduction in pain levels. In brief, acupuncture is considered as a complementary treatment in which small needles are inserted into the skin to stimulate sensory nerves, this results in the body producing pain-relieving endorphins to reduce pain levels. As stated by the NHS website a course of acupuncture usually creates longer-lasting pain relief than a one-off single treatment. Your osteopath will be able to talk you through the pros and cons of treatment before you enroll in a session at the London Osteopathy clinic.
Osteopathy for Arthritis
The goal of osteopathy treatment in relation to arthritis is to reduce any imbalances that may be contributing to the condition. Following a thorough assessment at one of the three London Osteopathy clinics, your treatment will be tailor-made to your individual requirements. This may include a variety of gentle movements, stretching, massage and manipulation of the affected joints.
These techniques aim to relieve muscle tension and pain whilst working to improve joint flexibility. Work may be done on surrounding joints to take the stress and strain off the affected area, ensuring that loading of the joints through activities such as walking is as equal as possible.
The increased blood and lymph supply to the treated area can optimise healing to the joint and surrounding tissues, following several session you may notice a reduction in pain and an overall improvement of function in your everyday activities. With the reduction in symptoms, many patients can increase general fitness through activity and lifestyle changes which can further improve health and therefore breaking the cycle of inactivity and pain avoidance.
Your osteopath will be able to provide home exercises and positive, friendly advice in regards to posture, balance and nutrition to enable you to self manage your condition confidently and effectively.

020 7127 8771
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